Atlas of Ophthalmology

Retinal Detachment with Retinal Tear (Colour Images)

视网膜 -> 孔源性视网膜脱离 -> 孔源性视网膜脱离
female, 57 years of age Symptoms: At OD since one week multiple floaters, and a slight decrease in vision. Medical history: - Ocular medical history: BCVA OD 1.0, OS 0.8, IOP OD 15 mmHg, OS 13 mmHg, OS showed vitreous hemorrhage two months earlier. Fundus: Regular central retina, retinal detachment from 9h to 1 h with retinal tear at 11 h. General comment: In a study (1) it was found that in patients with symptomatic isolated posterior vitreous detachment new retinal breaks developed in about 4% of these patients. Multiple floaters, a curtain or cloud, hemorrhages (retinal or vitreous) at the initial examination, and an increase in the number of floaters after the initial examination were found to be predictive factors for the development of new retinal breaks. It was formulated a safe policy for scheduling patients with isolated posterior vitreous detachment: patients with multiple floaters, a curtain or cloud, or hemorrhages (retinal or vitreous) at the initial examination should be scheduled for reexamination. Literature: (1) Van Overdam KA, Bettink-Remeijer MW, Klaver CC, Mulder PG, Moll AC, van Meurs JC. Symptoms and findings predictive for the development of new retinal breaks. Arch Ophthalmol. 2005 Apr;123(4):479-84

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