Atlas of Ophthalmology

Pre-ganglionic Horner’s syndrome (#1)

Pre-ganglionic Horner’s syndrome (#1)
Top: This 31-year-old patient reported recent drooping of his right upper eyelid and was found to have 2 mm of right ptosis associated with subtle (< 0.5 mm) anisocoria. Anhidrosis of a portion of the right side of his face was also documented. Bottom:Although both pupils dilated under darkened conditions, the right pupil dilated significantly less, resulting in obvious anisocoria (> 1.5 mm).
Pollock, Stephen C. , M.D., ¦1, Mebane NC, USA
Neuro-Ophthalmology -> Pupillary Abnormalities -> Neurogenic Disorders -> Horner's Syndrome -> Pre-ganglionic -> Case
Copyright @ Online Journal of Ophthalmology

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