Atlas of Ophthalmology

Homonymous Hemianopia, Occipital Lobe, Homonymous Hemianopic Scotoma

Homonymous Hemianopia, Occipital Lobe, Homonymous Hemianopic Scotoma
Two sets of twin scotomas are evident on this tangent screen visual field. The first set consists of identical fan-shaped defects that extend five degrees from fixation in the left inferior quadrants. Each of these scotomas exhibits respect for both the horizontal meridian and the vertical meridian. The second set---also virtually identical to one another---are disposed along the vertical meridian from three to seventeen degrees in the right inferior quadrants. Hemianopic defects such as these that are enclosed on all sides are referred to as homonymous hemianopic scotomas. They are almost always occipital in origin.
Pollock, Stephen C. , M.D., ¦1, Mebane NC, USA
Neuro-Ophthalmology -> Visual Field Defects -> Homonymous Hemianopia -> Occipital Hemianopia
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