Atlas of Ophthalmology

Acute Keratoconus, secondary Keratotorus

Acute Keratoconus, secondary Keratotorus
Aqueous diffuses into the corneal stroma through a rupture in Descemet's membrane and leads to an edema with bulging of the cornea. A perforating keratoplasty should be performed only after spontaneous regression of the edema and scarring. This avoids a large diameter transplant and loosening of the sutures. Spontaneous perforation is rare but may occur in a case of trisomy 21.
Naumann, G.O.H., Prof. Dr. med., Univ.-Augenklinik, Erlangen, Germany
Cornea -> Dystrophies, Hereditary Keratopathies, Bilateral -> Non-inflammatory Corneal Ektasias -> Keratoconus
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