Atlas of Ophthalmology

Basal Cell Carcinoma Masquerading as Mucocele (Colour Photography, Histology)

Orbit -> Tumors, Neoplasma -> Malignant
Basal Cell Carcinoma Masquerading as Mucocele (Colour Photography, Histology) Patient: A 35-year-old caucasian woman Ocular Medical History: no diplopia, no history of trauma, no epistaxis, and no blood-stained eye discharge. Her vision was normal, the eye movements were preserved bilaterally.The patient was treated with antibiotics and steroids, but the symptoms did not improve. The patient was remitted to our hospital where we suspected mucocele. We extirpated the lesion. Specimen was remitted to histological analysis, which was informed as a basocellular epithelioma, with clear margins. Medical history: included dyslipidemia, obesity and migraines. Main Complaint: tearing and pain in her left eye for one year. Findings: (1) The clinical examination showed a firm, painful swelling at the left medial canthus. (2) Histology: basocellular epithelioma, with clear margins.

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