Atlas of Ophthalmology

Unilateral Optic Disc Pseudodoubling (Colour Images)

视网膜 -> Congenital Abnormalities and Syndromes
Female, 54 years of age, BCVA Lightperception, eye length 34 mm, IOP 23 . We report a rare case of unilateral optic disc pseudodoubling with a single optic nerve in the right eye of a 54-year-old woman, otherwise asymptomatic in the affected eye. The affected right eye has an eye length of 34 mm with myopic changes. The left eye was regular. Color fundus photograph of patient’s right eye taken with standard fundus camera, showing optic disc (arrowhead) with myopic changes in its superior, and inferior aspect. Lateral disclike lesion (arrow) with vessel entering it in its lateral aspect from optic disc and thin vessels emerging from lateral and inferior aspects are seen. There was no sensory detachment. Many developmental defects can simulate the optic disc (optic disc pseudodoubling). True optic disc duplication with 2 independent retinal vasculatures is rare. Associated optic nerve duplication is rarer still and seen in lower vertebrates. Literature: Padhi TR, Samal B, Kesarwani S, Basu S, Das T. Optic disc doubling. J Neuroophthalmol. 2012 Sep;32(3):238-9.

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