Atlas of Ophthalmology

Sex-Linked Juvenile Retinoschisis, (Congenital Hereditary Retinoschisis)

Sex-Linked Juvenile Retinoschisis, (Congenital Hereditary Retinoschisis)
The fovea has a central fairly large cystoid space with surrounding spaces in star shape. These do not stain with Fluorescein. Further out are intra-retinal white spots. Above the fovea is a nevus. The 13 year old boy also has bilateral peripheral Schisis.
M. Klein, MD,, P. Hugger MD., C. Ammermann, Augenklinik, Duisburg, Germany
Retina -> Hereditary Degenerations and Dystrophies -> Sensory Retina -> Sex-Linked Juvenile Retinoschisis (Congenital Hereditary Retinoschisis)
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