Atlas of Ophthalmology

color fundus image : optic disc swelling with an inferior region of more severe swelling .

color fundus image : optic disc swelling with an inferior region of more severe swelling .
Patient :A 56 years old diabetic , systemic hypertensive male ,Ocular Medical History:right eye decrease of vision and inferior visual field loss . no associated systemic symptoms, no pain with eye movements , no elevation in erythrocytic sedimentation rate: ESR : 15, BCVA RA : 0.3 .LA:1.0 (snellen chart) . Methods : color fundus , florocien angiography .
Salman, Afraa,, Damascus university ,Department of ophthalmology, Damascus, Syria
Nervo Óptico -> Optic Neuropathies -> Nonarteritic anerior ischemic optic neuropathy NAION
Nonarteritic anerior ischemic optic neuropathy, optic disc edema
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