Atlas of Ophthalmology

Aniridia with Secondary Congenital Glaucoma

Aniridia with Secondary Congenital Glaucoma
Cataract, glaucoma and Optic nerve and foveal hypoplasia are common association in Aniridia. Patients with aniridia should seek urologic consulatation to exclude Wilm's tumor, which is more common in spoardic cases. In this case, patient presented with aniridia, and secondary congenital glaucoma which is evident by the large horizontal corneal diameter. Limbal landmark is not clearly evident because of pannus formation (stem cell deficiency) as well as the enlarged cornea.
Lamia, Elewa, Prof. Dr. med., Cairo, Egypt
Iris y Cuerpo Ciliar -> Anormalidades Congénitas -> Aniridia
syndromes congénitos
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