Atlas of Ophthalmology

Hard Exsudates in Hypertensive Retinopathy in Renal Artery Stenosis (Colour Photography Posterior Pole)

Hard Exsudates in Hypertensive Retinopathy in Renal Artery Stenosis (Colour Photography Posterior Pole)
Colour Photography Posterior Pole, after 3 months of blood pressure reduction in renal artery stenosis: no papilledema, hard exsudates, diminuished retinal hemorrhages and Cotton-Wool-spots, no retinal edema. Patient: Ocular Medical History: decreased vision at both eyes. General Medical History: no known arterial hypertension , after thorough medical examination renal artery stenosis. Main Complaint: loss of vision. Purpose: to demonstrate the effect of blood pressure reduction in hypertensive retinopathy. Methods: Colour Photography Posterior Pole before and after therapy, OCT before and after therapy, FFA before therapy. Findings: Colour photography posterior pole before therapy : papilledema, hard exsudates, multiple retinal hemorrhages, Cotton-Wool-spots, retinal edema. Colour photography posterior pole 3 months after therapy : no papilledema, hard exsudates, diminuished retinal hemorrhages and Cotton-Wool-spots, no retinal edema. FFA before therapy : exsudative optic nerve head, broadened retinal vessels. OCT before therapy : retinal edema, hard exsudates, retinal detachement. OCT after therapy : hard exsudates, no retinal edema, no retinal detachement. Discussion:-. Literature:-.
Milioti, Georgia,, Klinik für Augenheilkunde, UKS, Homburg, Deutschland
Hypertensive Retinopathy -> Retinal Cotton-wool Spots in Hypertensive Retinopathy -> Effect of Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertensive Retinopathy in Renal Artery Stenosis (Time Course of 3 Months, Colour Photography Posterior Pole, OCT, FFA)
effect of therapy on hypertensive retinopathy in increased arterial blood pressure,
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