Atlas of Ophthalmology

Penetrierende Verletzung durch eine Pflanze

Penetrierende Verletzung durch eine Pflanze
A middle-age woman had plant stem penetrating injury on medial left lower eyelid. She was not wear helmet while riding motorcycle but not under influence of alcohol. Initial assessment in emergency room found anterior segment of eyeball was intact and pupillary reflect within normal limit. Foreign bodies detected under radiographic imaging in lower middle and medial fat pad area. The patient underwent surgical exploration and removal of the foreign bodies, immediately after ensure nothing by mouth. There were no gaze restrictions occur following surgery in affected eye. No decline in visual acuity.
Idrus, Elfa Ali, M.D., Merauke Government Public Hospital, Merauke, Indonesia
Bindehaut / Konjunktiva -> Trauma (Verletzung), toxische Einlagerungen, Verätzungen
Penetrating Ocular Injury ; acute ocular trauma; foreign body
Copyright © Online Journal of Ophthalmology

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