Atlas of Ophthalmology

Graves's Ophthalmopathy, Malignant Endocrine Exophthalmus

Graves's Ophthalmopathy, Malignant Endocrine Exophthalmus
The patient's complaint was severe eye pain. The pain was due to conjunctival chemosis and exposure keratopathy that caused corneal ulcers. The patient had been unable to close her lids for several days because of the proptosis. Vision was severely decreased. The patient was found to be in thyroid storm with the most severe form of thyroid eye disease .
Luviano, Damien, M.D., Los Angeles County¦2, Los Angeles, USA
Systemic Diseases -> Endocrine Disorders -> Graves Ophthalmopathy (Thyroid Eye Disease, Graves' Disease)
thyroid, proptosis, ulcer, graves's disease, thyroid storm, exposure keratopathy, keratitis
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