Atlas of Ophthalmology

Malignant Glaucoma, Ciliovitreal Block, (Aqueous Misdirection Syndrome)

Malignant Glaucoma, Ciliovitreal Block, (Aqueous Misdirection Syndrome)
In this aphakic eye the anterior chamber is totally collapsed as misguided posterior-chamber fluid has pushed the hemorrhagic vitreous forward, flattened the anterior chamber and causing an acute glaucoma attack. (Through the hazy corneal edema pigment defects in the iris are recognizable that suggest difficulties during lens removal).
Allingham, M.D. Rand, M.D., USA, Durham, NC
Glaucomas, Ocular Hypertension -> Primary Pupillary-Block and Angle-Closure, Secondary Malignant Glaucomas (see also: Lens-induced Glaucomas) -> Malignant Glaucoma, Ciliolenticular Block, Ciliovitreal Block
glaucomas; Vitreous; Iris and ciliary body
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