Atlas of Ophthalmology

Mooren's corneal ulcer

Mooren's corneal ulcer
in the slit lamp exam we see a crescent-shaped peripheral corneal ulcer with undermined central edge and a white infiltrates in front of the edge who sign the progression and this from nasal to inferior cornea with circumferential extension from 2h-7h and also a central extension and neovascularisation , a conjunctival and episcleral inflammation and edema are presents however the sclera is spared Also we see an important epithelial defect and a melting of the stroma who give an important thinness of the cornea After treatment we assisted the regeneration of the corneal epithelium but with persistence of the corneal thinning secondary of the stroma melting , we can see also the disappearance of the inflammation , the edema of the conjunctiva the , episcleritis and specially the whites infiltrates in front of the edge .
Toualbia, Aimene, M.D., University BADJI MOKHTAR OF ANNABA, Annaba, Algeria ; Boulaneb, Faouzia, Prof. Dr. med., University BADJI MOKHTAR OF ANNABA , Annaba, Algeria
Cornea -> Keratitis, Infectious/ Non-Infectious -> Ulcerative Keratitis, Corneal Ulcer -> Mooren's corneal ulcer
Mooren's corneal ulcer , peripheral ulcerative keratitis
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