Atlas of Ophthalmology

Hypotony, Status Post Eight-ball Hyphema

Hypotony, Status Post Eight-ball Hyphema
This patient had TPPV for a complicated retinal detachment. 1 year later, he developed rubeosis iridis. Spontaneous bleeding resulted in complete filling of the eye with blood which caused high intra-ocular pressure (eight-ball) as indicated by the cloudiness of the cornea by blood break-down products. Now only the central cornea is clouded with the periphery clearing. The present IOP of 2 mmHg shows that the eye is in phthisis.
Tan Aik Kah, M.D., Universiti Malaysia Sarawak¦2, Kuching, Malaysia
Vitreous -> Opacities -> Status post Eight-ball Hyphema, Hypotony
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