Atlas of Ophthalmology

Focal Nerve Fiber Defect with Peripapillary Retinoschisis in POAG (Colour Image)

Focal Nerve Fiber Defect with Peripapillary Retinoschisis in POAG (Colour Image)
We report a case of isolated peripapillary retinoschisis cavities in two different retinal layers. There is evidence of retinoschisis with involvement of several retinal layers without detectable evidence of an optic nerve pit. A 67-year-old woman with a nine-year history of glaucoma presented with IOPs of 21 right eye (OD) and 21 left eye (OS) and open angles. Manifest refraction was +0.75 diopters OD and +0.25 diopters OS. The colour image showed a focal nerve fiber defect at 4h.
Michelson, Georg, Prof. Dr. med., Interdisciplinary Center of Ophthalmic Preventive Medicine and Imaging, Department of Ophthalmology, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany
الزرق , ارتفاع ضغط مقلة العين الداخلي -> Peripapillary Retinoschisis with Two Isolated Cavities in POAG (Colour, Visual Field, OCT)
Splicing retina
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