Atlas of Ophthalmology

Hemorrhage, Traumatic, in Anterior Chamber, Differentialdiagnosis

Hemorrhage, Traumatic, in Anterior Chamber, Differentialdiagnosis
Hemorrhage with small coagulae on the surface of the iris and some stirred-up blood in the inferior chamber angle. History is important for diagnosis. (Differential diagnosis: Complicated Fuchs' heterochromia and other causes of rubeosis, iridodialysis or cyclodialysis after trauma, juvenile xanthogranuloma in children, primary or secundary tumors of the iris root or ciliary body, advanced PEX after medicial mydriasis.)
Wollensak, Josef, Prof. Dr. med., Univ.-Augenklinik, Berlin, Germany
Anterior Chamber -> Blood, Hyphema
Injury, tumors, systemic diseases, PEX
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