Atlas of Ophthalmology

Wood Foreign Body in Cornea

Wood Foreign Body in Cornea
Corneal injury while working in the field one month ago. A wooden piece is seen in the posterior layers of the cornea with the larger part of it protruding into the anterior chamber. Presumably Descemet' membrane is intact (The pupil is round, no signs of involvement of the iris, no hypopyon, no anterior or posterior synechiae.) Exessive young scar tissue formation, but keloid and stromal scars have not yet formed. It is not so surprizing to find such limited inflammation, where one would normally expect a mayor infection. Note also the pterygium on the other side of the cornea.
Gajiwala, Uday, M.D., ¦2
Cornea -> Trauma (Injury), Toxic Keratopathies, Radiation -> Foreign Body
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