Atlas of Ophthalmology

microadenoma of the pituitary gland, MRI

microadenoma of the pituitary gland, MRI
coronar T1 weighted MRI following contrast agent application, incidental finding reconstructed from the MPRAGE sequence: 1. microadenoma of the pituitary gland; 2. pituitary gland, 3. pituitary stalk; 4. optic chiasm
Wärntges, Simone,, Universitätsaugenklinik, Erlangen, Deutschland; Engelhorn, Tobias, , Universitätsklinik, Abteilung Neuroradiologie, Erlangen, Deutschland; Dörfler, Arnd, Prof. Dr. med., Universitätsklinik, Abteilung Neuroradiologie, Erlangen, Deutschland; Michelson, Georg, Prof. Dr. med., Universitätsaugenklinik, Erlangen, Deutschland
Brain and Optical Pathway -> Cerebral infarctions, pituitary adenoma and primary open angle glaucoma (fundus photography, FDT, HRT, MRI, DTI)
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