Atlas of Ophthalmology

Bilateral Brown's Syndrome

Bilateral Brown's Syndrome
Primary position: The patient exhibits a large angle exotropia as well as a left hypotropia (manifesting as a right hypertropia).--- Right gaze: There is a large downshoot of the left eye in adduction.--- Right up gaze: The adducting left eye is unable to elevate. There is also an intorsion of the left eye.--- Left gaze: Large downshoot of the right eye in adduction.--- Left up gaze: The adducting right eye is unable to elevate. There is also some intorsion of the right eye.
Lin, Alice, M.D., Duke University Eye Center¦2, Durham, USA
Strabismus, Ocular Motility Disorders -> Ophthalmoplegic Hereditary Syndromes -> Bilateral Brown's Syndrome
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