Atlas of Ophthalmology

Encapsulated Filtering Bleb

Encapsulated Filtering Bleb
Encapsulated filtering bleb (slit-lamp photography).
Erichev, Valery, Prof. Dr. med., SRI of Eye Diseases, Moscow, Russia; Petrov, Sergey, Ph.D., SRI of Eye Diseases, Moscow, Russia; Antonov, Alexei, Ph.D., SRI of Eye Diseases, Moscow, Russia; Vostrukhin, Sergey, M.D., SRI of Eye Diseases, Moscow, Russia
Glaucomas, Ocular Hypertension -> Postoperative Cases and Surgical Procedures
filtering bleb
حقوق التأليف والنشر لدى مجلة طب العيون على الإنترنت

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