Atlas of Ophthalmology

Capsular phimisis

Capsular phimisis
A 80 years old female presented with complaint of diminished vision following uneventful cataract surgery before 1 year. On anterior segment examination she was found to have very small opening of anterior capsulotomy seen onretro illumination.
Shah, Mehul, Prof. Dr. med., Drashti Netralaya, Dahod, India; Shah, Shreya, M.D., Drashti Netralaya, Dahod, India; patel, kashyap, M.D., Drashti Netralaya, Dahod, India; Batra, Dilip, M.D., Drashti Netralaya, Dahod, india; Modhvadia, Jayesh, M.D., Drashti Netralaya, Dahod, India
العدسة -> حالات تالية للجراحة وعمليات جراحية
contraction of capsulorhexis;capsular phimosis
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