Atlas of Ophthalmology

Primary Meibomitis

Primary Meibomitis
The inflammation is centered around the meibomian gland orifices. It is associated with acne rosacea and seborrhoeic dermatitis. The meibomian gland orifices show pouting and are capped by domes of oil. Obliteration of the ducts can give rise to secondary cystic dilatation and formation of meibomian cysts. In advanced cases the posterior lid margin shows thickening, vascularization and notching. This 72 years old male was seen for bilateral itching of his eyes on and off with stickyness of the lids and discharge. Eye examination shows thickening of the lid margin and pouting of the meibomian gland orifices .
Premsenthil, Mallika, M.D., Universiti Malaysia Sarawak¦2, Kuching, Malaysia
Augenlider -> Blepharitis, Infektion
Copyright © Online Journal of Ophthalmology

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