Atlas of Ophthalmology

Coats disease (OCT, FAG)

Coats disease (OCT, FAG)
A parafoveolar circumscribed pigmentepithelium thinning (arrows) can be obeserved, presenting as a passive hyperfluorescence; there is a cystoid maculopathy centrally; within the avascular area a distinct serous retinal detachment can be seen.
Murthum, Karina,, Augenklinik, Universität Erlangen Nürnberg, Erlangen, Deutschland; Michelson, Georg, Prof. Dr. med., Augenklinik, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für augenheilkundliche Präventivmedizin und Imaging, Universität Erlangen Nürnberg, Erlangen, Deutschland
Retina -> Congenital Abnormalities and Syndromes -> M.Coats
Coats, enhanced avascular area, telangiectasis, serous retinal detachment, cystoid maculopathy
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