Atlas of Ophthalmology

Optic Pit with Secondary Macular Schisis

Optic Pit with Secondary Macular Schisis
Grayish Pit at the temporal edge of the optic nerve (see arrow; a little difficult to see because the focus is on the retina). The pigment epithelium between disc and fovea is mottled and a fine grayish line at the edge of this area is seen (demarcation line). Both are signs of a previous detachment. The nasal aspect of the fovea appears cystic. The fovea therefore gives the appearance of having a hole. 20 yr old, female patient noticed recent defect in vision.
Rao, Rama Mohan, Prof. Dr. med., India, Prof. Dr., Mangalore
视神经 -> Congenital Anomalies -> Optic Nerve Pit
Optic Pit,Secondary macular schisis, detachment
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