Atlas of Ophthalmology

Drusen of the optic papilla

Drusen of the optic papilla
A 74 years old female with distinct drusen of the papilla (OS>OD) with RPE atrophy and CNV in ARMD. Most commonly both sides are affected, often familial accumulation, development over decades. Fundus: Within the first couple of years no physiological excavation can be appreciated. Later on the papilla appears prominent and yellow. Yellow-white, calcified,crystalline structures are recognizable (usually not before the age of 11), they can expand over the whole disc. Often abnormal aborizations of larger vessels can be seen and the papilla often appears smaller than regularly. Clinical presentation: variable visual field defects: slowly progressive retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) atrophy, possibly splinter hemorrhages, subretinal exsudation and hemorrhages in peripapillary CNV, vitreal hemorrhages are possible; CRVO, BRAO, transient loss of vision (sec - min) are possible, AION
Fehling, Lisa, , Augenklinik, Erlangen, Deutschland
Optic Nerve -> Congenital Anomalies (Abnormalities)
حقوق التأليف والنشر لدى مجلة طب العيون على الإنترنت

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