Atlas of Ophthalmology


ONH: OD: mild fibrosis surrounding ONH with white / grey sheathing of retinal veins OS: 3 + white fibrosis of ONH with venous sheathing attenuation C/D: 0.2 OD Not visible through fibrosis OS Macula/Vessels/Periphery: OD: macula appears fairly normal with venous sheathing and attenuation in paramacular vessels OS: beaten bronze appearance with severe RPE mottling and vascular narrowing / scarring PERIPHERY: Venous scarring OS >>> OD with RPE mottling OS >>> OD Retinas flat 360 OU
Ventura, Gianfranco, , LOYOLA University Medical Center, Chicago, US; McDonnell, James, M.D., Loyola University medical center, Chicago, US
G03.1 G44.8 L50.8 M08.9
الشبكية -> تنكسات خلقية و حَثل -> الظهارة الشبكية المصطبغة -> NOMID Neonatal Onset Multiple Inflammatory Disease
حقوق التأليف والنشر لدى مجلة طب العيون على الإنترنت

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