Atlas of Ophthalmology

Disc Swelling in Aplastic Anemia (#2)

Disc Swelling in Aplastic Anemia (#2)
The optic disc in the fellow eye is markedly swollen and hemorrhagic. Coarsening and opacification of the nerve fiber layer is evident, producing obscuration of most of the large retinal vessels as they cross the peripheral portion of the disc. The degree of hemorrhage is likely related to profound anemia.
Pollock, Stephen C. , M.D., ¦1, Mebane NC, USA
Optic Nerve -> Optic Disc (Disk, Optic Nerve Head) Swelling -> Pseudotumor Cerebri with Bilateral Papilledema -> Pseudotumor Cerebri, Secondary -> Case, Papilledema in Aplastic Anemia
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