Atlas of Ophthalmology

Photomicrograph 1. A 30x8 mm mass in the left upper lid above the tarsal plate, mobile, non tender associated mild erythema

Photomicrograph 1. A 30x8 mm mass in the left upper lid above the tarsal plate, mobile, non tender associated mild erythema
46 year old lady presented to the ophthalmology department with 6 weeks duration of insidious onset of left upper lid lump associated with mild pain and tenderness. The patient was otherwise healthy with no other systemic symptoms and signs. This lesion was treated initially by the general practitioner with Erythromycin tablet 250 mg four times a day with no improvement. Examination reveals a 30x8 mm mass in the left upper lid above the tarsal plate, mobile, non tender associated mild erythema (Figure 1&2). LogMar visual acuity was 0.1 in the right eye and 0.3 in the left. The vision was stable and the left eye is the weakest due to amblyopia. There was no clinical lacrimal gland involvement. Anterior and posterior segment examinations were unremarkable with normal intraocular pressures. Blood tests were arranged including full blood count, U&E, liver function test and Calcium profile, ACE, ESR, CRP and RF. The results of ESR and CRP were high (41 mm/hour and 42 mg/L respectively). ACE was 83 micrograms/L. The rest of the tests showed values within the normal range. Excisional biopsy was performed to remove the whole lesion under local anaesthesia.
Al-Aqaba, Mouhamed Ali Abdul Kareem, Ph.D., Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Barnsley, United Kingdom; Varghese, Mini , M.D., Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Barnsley, United Kingdom; Gerges, Sami , M.D., Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Barnsley, United Kingdom
Lids -> Tumors -> Benign Tumors -> Sarcoidosis presenting as a solitary subcutaneous eyelid mass
Sarcoidosis, Sarcoid, Eyelid.
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