Atlas of Ophthalmology

OCT of the overlapping ring segments

OCT of the overlapping ring segments
Figure 3. OCT image of the overlapping segment tips. At the inner edge of the ring segment, the depth was 496µm, 76% of the full corneal thickness of 655 µm (red arrows).The apparent posterior break was an artifact due to refraction at the segment facets (white arrow).
Zhang, Chenxing, M.D., Casey eye institute, Portland, USA; Tang, Maolong, Ph.D., Casey eye institute, Portland, USA; Huang, David, Prof. Dr. med., Casey eye institute, Portland, USA
Córnea -> Surgical Procedures and Postoperative Findings -> Complications -> Dissection of intrastromal corneal ring segments into optical zone: case report of an unusual postoperative complication
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