Atlas of Ophthalmology

Implantation of Black IOL in Mature Cataract in Blind Eye in M.Coats

Implantation of Black IOL in Mature Cataract in Blind Eye in M.Coats
Diagnosis: Leucoria in Mature Cataract and Total Detachement in M. Coats. Patient: 11 years od, male, BCVA no light perception. Ocular Medical History: M.Coats, total exsudative retinal detachement since 4 years, blind eye. Surgery: synechiolysis of anterior synechia, excision of fibrous metaplasia of anterior capsule, bimanual I/A, implantation of a black IOL (Diplopia IOL, Morcher, Germany)
Juenenmann, Anselm, Prof. Dr. med., Augenklinik, Universitätsmedizin Rostock, Rostock, Deutschland
Black IOL
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