Atlas of Ophthalmology

Angioid Streaks

Angioid Streaks
Irregular radiating lines that extend around the disc and from the disc margin into the midperipheral fundus. The lines represent cracks in the collagenous and elastic parts of Bruch's membrane. Parts of the cracked lines are hyperpigmented. In this case, despite the extensive lesions, no neovascularization has occured and vision is normal. Angioid streaks are frequently correllated with pseudoxanthoma elasticum Groblad-Strandberg.
Tan Aik Kah, M.D., Universiti Malaysia Sarawak¦2, Kuching, Malaysia
Retina -> Angioid Streaks
degeneration, Systemerkrankung
Copyright © Online Journal of Ophthalmology

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