Atlas of Ophthalmology

Traumatic Posterior Vitreous Detachment with Chorioretinal Scar and Weiss Ring

Traumatic Posterior Vitreous Detachment with Chorioretinal Scar and Weiss Ring
In the fundus photo a (traumatic) posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) found one year later in a young man with a chorioretinal scar dark adjacent to the PVD. There is a Weiss ring present in this patient shaped in an oval configuration, which occurs when the vitreous is detached from the optic nerve. Blunt trauma to eye can cause a post vitreous detachment and the scar as presented in this case. Blunt trauma can also cause a retinal detachment and retina tears. The most critical concern with blunt trauma to the eye is the possibility for retinal detachment. 12% of retinal detachments are found immediately 30% are found within 1 month. 50% are found with 8 month. 80% are found with 24 months.
Pratt, Ramsey, , SETMA, Beaumont, USA; Luviano, Damien, M.D., SETMA, Beaumont, USA
Glaskörper / Vitreus -> Alterung und Ablösung
retina detachment, pvd, weiss, ring, posterior, vitreous, detachment, trauma
Copyright © Online Journal of Ophthalmology

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