Atlas of Ophthalmology

Macular Hole (Stage 4), OCT

Macular Hole (Stage 4), OCT
OCT shows a macular hole over 750 micron in size. The retina surrounding the hole is attached and not edematous, but one can see telltale signs of a previous detachment: the reflective band between inner and outer segment of the photoreceptor layer is missing (see circle) and there are two spots of abnormal reflectivity (thicker on the right side) (see arrow) which represent macrophages. Traction from the vitreous has resolved in this chronic form of macular hole stage 4.
Luviano, Damien, M.D., SETMA Diabetes Center of Excellence¦2, Beaumont, USA
Retina -> Aquired Macular Diseases -> Macular Hole -> Case: Macular Hole (Stage 4)
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